Client Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Services Capacity development / IT consultancy
Project Pan African University’s Website Management and Training
Location Ethiopia and Algeria.

Updated websites remain an important communications tool for all organisations to inform and educate their stakeholders. We have worked with both the Pan African Universities and the GIZ-EAC on their website development and continue to help them maintaining them. Through one on one team training and developing handover and User Guides, in written and video form, as well as continuing to advise on updates and best practice, we ensure websites remain viable communications tools showcasing up to date work.


  • The website is optimised for all users and its categories reflect the needs of PAU communication
  • In collaboration with the PAU Webmaster, updating the short handbook on website management with regards to the most frequent problems and the best practices
  • Website content is up to date
  • Short handbook on website management (including CMS)
  • 2 days training with the PAU IT and communication officers regarding CMS, the reporting of technical issues and information security (including personal data privacy
  • 3 tutoring sessions with the PAU Webmaster
  • 2 tutoring sessions with each of the IT Officers (in total 10 tutoring sessions)
  • Proposed governance structure for the PAU website management, covering the processes, roles and responsibilities of PAU IT and communication officers and of the PAU Webmaster.
  • Work Plan for training needs and delivery dates.


Proposed visual identity